Late Bloomers

Late Bloomers 

by Deepa Varadarajan

Contemporary Fiction

Family Story

Pub Date: 5-2-2023

Read Date: 11-2-2023


Late Bloomers follows an Indian American family navigating love and adulthood each in unique ways. But they are all keeping things from each other. This book explores how isolating adulthood can be, even when on the outside it looks like you "have it all together". 

Each character takes turns narrating the story in first-person point of view. Sometimes that can get confusing or tedious, but in this story the flow was wonderful. When I was reading from a person's perspective I wanted to stay there and was fully invested. I didn't think one was more interesting than the others, in a good way. They were each distinct characters and storylines. 

The thing I liked best about Late Bloomers was how I was constantly surprised by it. I don't mean there were lots of twists in the plot. I mean that the writing was witty at points and surprisingly tender at other points when you don't expect it to be. 

Varadarajan somehow made me really enjoy a family saga. Usually, I get bored a few chapters into this type of book. However, this was a unique and fun look at what being a family means.